Child Support and Modification

In New York State, child support is paid by the non-custodial parent pursuant to a formula set forth in the Child Support Standards Act (CSSA).

We have represented litigants on both sides- the custodial parent fighting for an appropriate award of child support, and the non-custodial parent seeking a fair determination of the amount of support to be paid. While there is a formula New York State judges use when calculating an award of child support (the CSSA), courts are permitted to deviate from the formula using discretion. It is imperative, irrespective of which parent you are, that you have experienced and conscientious representation to effectively represent your interests.

We have successfully helped custodial parents receive immediate court-ordered awards of child support. We have successfully fought to receive significant sums of child support arrears from non-custodial parents who have evaded their obligations. We have successfully fought for non-custodial parents to modify their support obligations when unexpected circumstances have changed their financial positions.

Every case is different. Our firm can help tailor a creative solution to protect your family during an often financially unstable time.